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14:00 - 16:00 GMT: Plenary Session | Shared technology between Universities in Latin America and Europe - Use Cases
10 min | Welcome
30 min | Roberto Viola, General Director of DG CONNECT - European Commission (video)
20 min | Luis Eliécer Cadenas, CEO of RedCLARA (video)
20 min | Erik Huizer, CEO of GÉANT (video)
10 min | Questions and Comments
30 min | Victor Neto, Google Cloud Brasil, and Mauricio Trejo, Google Cloud SP Latam. Education Business Development, Google Cloud (video)

Moderator: Carlos Casasús, General Director - Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet (CUDI), México

16:00 - 17:00 GMT: Virtual Booths

17:00 - 19:00 GMT: Workshops

Sessions on Computer Security (video 1) (video 2)

90 min - TICAL Sec CSIRTs RNIEs Meeting
Fernando Aranda (CUDI), Claudia Inostroza (REUNA)
120 min - Creation of CSIRTs for decision makers Workshop (first open session) 
• Ernesto Pérez, CEDIA CSIRT Coordinator
• Paul Bernal, CEDIA CSIRT Expert
• Yuri Alexander, Information Security Analyst at CAIS / RNP
Moderator: André Landim (RNP)

CIO Coffebreak of the friend Luis G. (video)

10 min | Welcome, Alonso Castro M., Director of the Computer Center (CI), University of Costa Rica
05 min | Group photo
15 min | "The route and relevance of digital agendas in the region after the pandemic", by Prof. Yolanda Martínez, Representative in Chile of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
35 min | Talk to the colleagues about the challenges of the CIO. Ernesto Chinkes, Alonso Castro.
30 min | Presentation of the "Maturity of ICT Governance in Higher Education Institutions in Latin America 2020 from the perspective of responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic" Study, by Carmen Díaz Novelo, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
20 min | Talk and coffee, Víctor Manuel Águila Castillo, Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Coffee Growing, Autonomous University of Chiapas.

17:00 - 18:30 GMT: Parallel Sessions

Parallel Session | TICAL | Connectivity and infrastructure in the smart university (video)

05 min - Welcome
15 min - "Implementación de un Centro de Datos Alterno para recuperación de servicios de misión crítica. Caso de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia", by Rolando Rojas Coto.
15 min - "Despliegue de Infraestructura como Servicio utilizando OpenStack: un caso de éxito en la Universidad de Cuenca", by María José Torres.
15 min - "Implementación de tecnologías disruptivas en la educación superior. Caso de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia", by Francisco Durán.
15 min - "Cirrus Identity - Federación de Identidades - Más importante que nunca durante la época de COVID. Cómo conseguir federación usando soluciones que no soportan federación multilateral, cómo Azure AD. Caso de Exito - CONARE", by Dedra Chamberlin, Fernando Osorto, Cirrus Identity.
25 min - Questions and Comments

Parallel Session | e-Science | High Performance Processing / Storage (video)

05 min - Welcome
15 min - "Alianza latinoamericana para el desarrollo de capacidades en física avanzada", by Dennis Cazar Ramírez.
15 min - "Impacto de la e-Infraestructura de RICAP para el desarrollo de la e-Ciencia en Iberoamérica", by Rafael Mayo.
15 min - Questions and Comments

EYR Parallel- Lightning Talks (video)

- "Diseño, obtención y evaluación biológica de nuevos fármacoscandidatos frente a enfermedades parasitarias", by Dr. Pilar Cossio, Max PlanckTandem Group Leader, University of Antioquia, Colombia.

- "¿Comida rápida disponible para los corales? Comprendiendo elcomportamiento de los microplásticos alrededor de los arrecifes de coral enfunción de las condiciones hidrodinámicas", by Juan D. Osorio-Cano, Oceanography and Coastal Engineering Research Group (OCEÁNICOS), National University of Colombia, Medellín

- "Creación de una red de colaboración internacional paraanotar el genoma de cinco especies de coca (ERYTHROXYLUM): hacia la búsqueda deusos medicinales alternativos", by Juan Armando Sánchez. Professor, Director of the Laboratory of Marine Molecular Biology (BIOMMAR), Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.

- "Observatorio Latinoamericano Gigante (LAGO)", by Dr. Iván Sidelnik, Main Researcher - LAGO Observatory

18:00 - 20:00 GMT: Workshop

Connectivity and infrastructure in the smart university (video)

• Introduction to the public communication of science.
• Different models and views of the public communication of science
• Public communication of science in Latin America
• Public communication of science as a professional field.

With Elaine Reynoso, Director of Training and Research in Public Communication of Science at the General Directorate for the Dissemination of Science of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico.  

Plenary Session | Artificial Intelligence in the support of the intelligent university (video)
10 min | Welcome
70 min | "Artificial Intelligence in the support of the intelligent university" Panel
• Mateo Valero C., Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) Director   
• Jim Ghadbane, CEO of CANARIE       
• Guilherme H. Travassos, Head of the Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program, COPPE/UFRJ       
• Bill Barth, Ph.D., Director, FutureTechnologies, Texas

20 min |  Questions and Comments

20 min  | Sign of the agreement for the creation of the Latin American University Telemedicine Network (RUTE-AL)

16:00 - 17:00 GMT: Virtual Booths

17:00 - 19:00 GMT: Workshops

Workshop | RUTE-AL: The role of the National Networks in the Health post-COVID-19 (video)

20 min | Avances de RUTE en Brasil, Luiz Ary Messina, Director of the University Telemedicine Network (RUTE), RNP, Brazil
• Perspectives on the expansion of RUTE-AL.
10 min | Juan Pablo Carvallo, Executive Director of the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia, CEDIA, Ecuador
10 min | Carlos Casasús, Director, University Corporation for Internet Development, CUDI, Mexico
10 min | Rafael Rodríguez M., National Academic Network for Advanced Technology, RENATA, Colombia
10 min | Luis Elíécer Cadenas, Executive Director, Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks, RedCLARA

Empower each institution to transform their business with AI (video)

Google Engineer presentation on how Google Cloud AI products transform the business of institutions from the simple use of API to most needs or tools/hardware to help in the development of custom ML models.
With: Márcio Longhini - Google Cloud

Sessions on Computer Security (video)

60 min | The role of CISO in the digital transformation of organizations
• Jeimy Cano (Colombia), Director of the SISTEMAS Magazine of the ACIS and independent international consultant on his specialty topics
• Emilio Nakamura (RNP)
Moderator: Jaime Olmos (CUDI)

40 min | Cybercrime and International Cooperation, Adrián Acosta (Interpol)

120 min | Creation of CSIRT for Decision Makers Workshop
(Segunda sesión)
• Ernesto Pérez, Coordinator of CEDIA's CSIRT 
• Paul Bernal, CEDIA's CSIRT expert
• Yuri Alexander, Information Security Analyst at CAIS / RNP
Moderator: Luis Castro

17:00 - 18:30 GMT: Parallel Sessions

Parallel Session | TICAL | Fast and flexible developments to adapt to a changing environment (video)

05 min - Welcome
Construyendo microservicios eficientes: Caso de estudio de la Universidad de Cuenca. Johnny Ávila
15 min - Ventanilla única de servicios de TI de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Carmen Díaz Novelo.
15 min -TELECOVID19 UDEC Plataforma gratuita de “Evaluación de riesgo Covid-19” desarrollada por la Unidad de Telemedicina de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile
30 min - Questions and Comments

Parallel Session | e-Science | Data Science / Machine Learning Models (video)

05 min - Welcome
15 min - Potencial de una microalga del Lago Yahuarcocha en la zona norte del Ecuador. Carla Sandoval. 
15 min - Proteção de Dados: Proposta de gerenciamento de dados de solo usando os princípios FAIR e a tecnologia blockchain. Elton Carneiro.

15 min - Questions and Comments

Plenary Session | Digital Transformation of the Smart University (video)

05 min | Welcome
20 min | Carlos Seaton, Universidad Simón Bolívar, International Consultant with experience in Innovation/Digital Transformation issues
50 min | "Innovation in the digital age" Panel
• Antonio García, Inter-American Development Bank   
• Licia Florio, Senior Trust & Identity Manager, GÉANT   
• Juan Pablo Carvallo, CEDIA
20 min | Oscar Robles Garay, CEO of LACNIC, "The Role of Universities in the Digital Economy"
25 min | Questions and Comments
Moderator: Ernesto Chinkes, Presidente Comité de Programa TICAL2020

16:00 - 17:00 GMT: Virtual Booths

17:00 - 19:00 GMT: Workshops

Workshop | CISCO: Developing Applications Over Network Infrastructure using DevNet (video)

  • Introduction
  • DevNet History and Framework 
  • Resources
  • Demos

Sergio Sicard, Manager of strategic alliance engineering at Cisco Systems Latin America for the Caribbean, Central America and the Andean Region.

Workshop | Sessions on Computer Security (video)

100 min | Academic network security in the context of the pandemic
• Manuel Quintero UNAM-CERT (Mexico)
• Paul Bernal CSIRT CEDIA (Ecuador)
• Claudia Inostroza CSIRT REUNA (Chile)
• CSIRT RNP (Brazil)
Moderator: Silvia Chávez (CUDI)

120 min | Panel: National Outreach CSIRT
TICAL Sec Closing Session
• Mariam López EcuCERT (Ecuador)
• Carlos Landeros CERT Nacional (Chile)
• Radamés Hernández CERT MX (Mexico)
• Ivode Carvalho Peixinhol (Brazil) 
Moderator: Fernando Aranda (CUDI)

Workshop | Open Innovation (CEDIA) (video)

10 min | CEDIA Innovation and TT Model
20 min | Introduction to Open Innovation
60 min | Participatory workshop
20 min | Intellectual property and conclusions

• Luis Alfredo Gárate. Production and Operations Engineer, Master in Engineering and Innovation; Head of the Innovation and TT area of CEDIA.
Galo Carrión. Designer, Master in Design Thinking and User Experience. Research Professor at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador

17:00 - 18:30 GMT: Parallel Sessions

Parallel Session | TICAL | Transforming the student learning experience (video)

05 min - Welcome
15 min - Nuevos modelos de movilidad virtual apoyados en el uso de TIC: El Espacio de Movilidad Virtual en Educación Superior – eMOVIES. Fernando Daniels.
15 min - Plataforma Digital de Emprendimiento de Base Tecnológica (EBT) para los estudiantes de ingeniería: Caso UNICATÓLICA. Ana María Jaramillo.
15 min - Experiencias de inclusión digital en la Universidad de Guadalajara: elementos para la agenda de TIC de las universidades de América Latina. José Guadalupe Morales.

40 min - Questions and Comments

Parallel Session | e-Science | Disruptive technologies at the University (video)

05 min - Welcome
15 min - Tele-espacios activos, espacio para la creación e investigación telematica en las artes y el diseño. Mario Valencia.
15 min - Plataformas de Internet de las Cosas Robóticas para la investigación y la docencia. Lynnette González.
15 min - Questions and Comments

Plenary Session | Challenges of the use and management of open data to promote science in the Intelligent University (video)

5 min | Welcome
5 min | Bianca Amaro, President of LA Referencia, Coordinator of the Brazilian Open Science Program - Brazilian Institute of Scientific and Technological Information (IBICT)
15 min | Cathrin Stöver, CCO GÉANT, EOSC 
15 min | María Ester Vidal, Head of the Scientific Data Management Research Group - TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology University Library
15 min | Kathleen Shearer, COAR CEO

20 min | The challenges of Education and Technology on the way to 2030, Marcelo Volpi, Cono Sur Regional Director - CALA Enterprise - CommScope

30 min | Questions and Comments

30 min | Closing Session - Luis Eliécer Cadenas, CEO of RedCLARA 

Moderator: Luis A. Núñez, Universidad Industrial de Santander 

16:00 - 17:00 GMT: Virtual Booths

17:00 - 18:30 GMT: Parallel Session

Parallel Session | TICAL | Green technologies and inclusive services (video)

05 min - Welcome
15 min - Diseño de recursos para Aula Invertida en Programación. Inés Friss de Kereki.
15 min - TET Cultural: Tetraedro en Realidad Aumentada para el aprendizaje de las artes plásticas.  Nataly Riaño Carmona, Sarakarina Solano Galindo.  
15 min - Implementación de las Fases 1 y 2 del modelo de gestión estratégica para el desarrollo de un Smart Campus basado en conceptos de Smart City en una universidad en Cartagena, Colombia. Mónica Ospino.
40 min - Questions and Comments

17:00 - 19:00 GMT: Workshops

Workshop | AWS: Big Data and Education - A Tour of Uses and Applications Modern Institutions Use to Improve the Student and Teacher Experience (video)

Workshop | Participation in the secondary market for IPv4 addresses as a means to finance projects (video)

Alfredo Verderosa, Services Manager, LACNIC.

Workshop | Secure Internet: web services, time security and routing (video)

Internet security is a fundamental piece to promote the trust of the people who use it. During the session, participants will learn how to implement open standards in web servers, the most recent advances in the development of NTS, as well as the actions promoted by MANRS to strengthen the security of the global routing system.

Christian O'Flaherty, Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean, ISOC

Israel Rosas, Regional Development Manager, ISOC

Workshop | Open Data

0 min | Presentation
40 min | Pedro Príncipe, Head of Division, University of Minho
40 min | "Creation of a national network of research data repositories", by Washington Segundo, Coordinator of the Laboratory of Information Processing and Diffusion Methodologies (COLAB) at the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict / MCTI)
30 min | Questions and Comments



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