Cathrin Stöver
Chief Communications Officer at GÉANT, Vice-Chair of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Executive Board
In November 2018, Cathrin was appointed as Vice-Chair of the EOSC Executive Board. She has belonged to the GÉANT (pan-European Research and Education Network) team since 1997, holding various positions as the organisation has grown and developed, always with a specific focus on growing the geographic reach of the GÉANT network and the deepening of the global R&E collaboration for the benefit of the global research and education community.
With more than 20 years of experience working in global telecommunications and the roll-out of network infrastructures across various continents, Cathrin is a highly effective global team leader, successfully working across borders and cultures in complex multi-dimensional projects. With superior levels of cultural awareness and inter-personal skills, she builds rapport at first encounter and delivers passionate messages about otherwise dry roll-outs of infrastructures, focusing on the benefits and opportunities. Cathrin is committed to collaboration and knowledge sharing and transfer as well as inclusive team building based on a foundation of mutual trust.
Following the minor reorganisation of GÉANT at the beginning of 2020, Cathrin now carries the overall responsibility for the Marketing Communications and Design teams and additionally the EU Liaison Team.
Cathrin holds a European Business degree from the FH Osnabrück in Germany.